To safeguard your organisation and volunteers you should have Insurance; Equality & Diversity Policy and Volunteering Policy in place before you start recruitment. It’s also good practice to have Safeguarding and Health & Safety Policies.
You should provide your volunteers with a role description or a handbook (to clarify issues such as training; expenses or DBS requirements), and ensure they sign a Volunteer Agreement.
MSVA is here to help you with all aspects of volunteer management. To ask for advice or assistance, email
1) Become a MSVA member
2) We’ll email you a log-in for your account where you can register your roles
3) We’ll promote your roles on our website, social media and at events
4) When someone expresses an interest in your roles, we’ll forward you their details and ask you to contact them
5) After a few weeks, we’ll ask you whether the referred person started volunteering with you