Volunteers' Week 2024

Here's to the Volunteers!

Celebrated from June 3rd to June 9th, Volunteers’ Week has been uplifting and celebrating the amazing volunteers in our community for 40 years now! Join us in taking a moment to reach out and recognise the volunteers in your organisation or community.

Need some inspiration on how to show your appreciation? Check out our How to Thank Your Volunteers resource below!


Volunteers’ Week is fast approaching and we appreciate how busy things can be and how easy it is to forget to say thank you sometimes.

Taking time to think about how to do this well can have a huge IMPACT on the overall well being of your volunteers and can support their motivation to continue to support your organisation. Time Well Spent on experiences of volunteering in England tells us that two of the most popular reasons for volunteering are: wanting to help people or to support a cause that’s important to you.

Here are a few ideas on when and how to say a heart-felt thanks to your volunteers.

WHEN? Timing is key… perhaps think about thanking at one of these times:

  • When a project involving volunteers has had positive results
  • On a day that is relevant to your community group. Use Wikipedia to find national holidays and days of observance
  • When promotional materials are being released and include details of volunteer involvement
  • During Volunteers’ Week (3-9 June)
  • As part of a fundraising or celebration event
  • On their birthday - send a card and add a thank you

HOW? Deciding how to thank your volunteers is as important as the decision to thank them at all!

Try to understand what’s important to your volunteers and make the thank you as personal as possible. Some might find a public thank you at an event meaningful while others might prefer a private email or a personal phone call.

MAKE IT PERSONAL! Who are they? What do they enjoy? Why have they chosen to volunteer with you?

  • Show them the difference they’re making!
  • Find out about any training or support they would like
  • Take time to share stories and ideas over a cup of tea
  • Give a thank you card featuring a quote from a service users or member of the team (Volunteers’ Week certificates and thank you cards here)
  • Celebrate feedback received about volunteers in your newsletter
  • Share data collected on the impact of your volunteers and tell them about the difference that makes to your organisation
  • Mark milestones reached in communications with volunteers, for example: “This week, our volunteers helped to support 10 more people in our local community!”

Download these ideas as a PDF below!

How to Thank Your Volunteers